Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Be Summer Ready

When we think of Summer, we always think of fun and now is the perfect time to protect you and your vehicles against the high rising temperatures. Follow these tips to protect your ride against the threats of summer: 

Prepare Your AC 

Since you are using your AC more than usual, it can be very exhausting to the system. Make sure that your AC is working properly so that you can stay cool during your fun summer trips and travels.

Protect The Interior 

Your vehicle is likely to sit in the heat for hours with little or no protection. In order to protect your car's interior, take the time to invest in tinted window's or a windshield cover. 

Test Your Battery 

The summer heat can drain your vehicle's battery because of the excessive fluid evaporation. Take the time to test the battery before hitting the road to kick off your fun summer plans.

Keep Your Car Clean 

Regularly washing/waxing your vehicle will give the exterior the extra protection and the topcoat it needs to prevent heat damage.

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