Friday, October 4, 2013

Provide a helping hand!!

Every now and again you'll drive by someone who is broke down on the side of the road. Maybe their tire popped or battery just doesn't have enough juice to keep going for a bit. Always be sure carry a pair of jumper cables, a jack, or even a torque wrench for times like these. Someone could just be having a really bad day and the last thing they want to be doing is sitting on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck. Be courteous to others and ask if they need help or if there is anything you can do for them! If they ran out of gas drive them to the nearest station. Jump their car if the battery died or even help change their tire (especially if they're older) if needed. It just common courtesy and who knows they might even reward you for the help!!

Don't have the right tools to help out!? Check out our Polar Chevrolet's parts and accessories page to get what you need!!

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